
History and Significance of the Surname Abbati

The History of the Abbati Surname

The surname Abbati is a popular surname with a rich history that spans across different countries and cultures. The name Abbati is of Italian origin, and it is derived from the word "abate" which means abbot in Italian. The surname Abbati can be traced back to the medieval times when it was used to describe someone who held the title of abbot in a monastery.


In Italy, the surname Abbati is quite common with an incidence of 1610. The surname can be found in different regions of Italy, with the highest concentration in the northern regions such as Lombardy and Veneto. The Abbati family has a long history in Italy and has been prominent in various fields such as religion, politics, and arts.


In Nigeria, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 412. The surname is not as common in Nigeria as it is in Italy, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Nigeria may have been introduced by Italian missionaries or traders who settled in the region.


In India, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 151. The surname is not as widespread in India as it is in Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in India may have been brought by Italian or European traders who came to India for business.


In Niger, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 104. The surname is not as common in Niger as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in the country. The Abbati surname in Niger may have been introduced by Italian or French colonizers who settled in the region.

United States

In the United States, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 78. The surname is not as common in the US as it is in countries like Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in the US may have been brought by Italian immigrants who came to the US in search of better opportunities.


In France, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 72. The surname is not as popular in France as it is in Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in France may have been introduced by Italian or Swiss immigrants who settled in the region.


In Argentina, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 40. The surname is not as common in Argentina as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Argentina may have been brought by Italian or Spanish immigrants who came to the region.


In Brazil, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 36. The surname is not as widespread in Brazil as it is in countries like Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Brazil may have been introduced by Italian immigrants who settled in the country.


In Spain, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 9. The surname is not as common in Spain as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Spain may have been brought by Italian or French immigrants who came to the region.


In Venezuela, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 9. The surname is not as popular in Venezuela as it is in countries like Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in the country. The Abbati surname in Venezuela may have been introduced by Italian or Spanish immigrants who settled in the region.

United Kingdom (England)

In the United Kingdom (specifically England), the Abbati surname has an incidence of 7. The surname is not as common in England as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in England may have been brought by Italian or European immigrants who came to England for various reasons.


In Belgium, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 3. The surname is not as widespread in Belgium as it is in countries like Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Belgium may have been brought by Italian immigrants who settled in the country.


In Switzerland, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 3. The surname is not as common in Switzerland as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Switzerland may have been introduced by Italian or French immigrants who settled in the region.


In Iran, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 3. The surname is not as popular in Iran as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Iran may have been brought by Italian or European immigrants who came to Iran for work or trade.


In Luxembourg, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 2. The surname is not as common in Luxembourg as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in the country. The Abbati surname in Luxembourg may have been introduced by Italian immigrants who settled in the region for various reasons.

San Marino

In San Marino, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 2. The surname is not as popular in San Marino as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in the country. The Abbati surname in San Marino may have been brought by Italian immigrants who settled in the region.


In Austria, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 1. The surname is not as common in Austria as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Austria may have been introduced by Italian or European immigrants who settled in the region.


In Australia, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 1. The surname is not as widespread in Australia as it is in countries like Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Australia may have been brought by Italian immigrants who settled in the country.


In Canada, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 1. The surname is not as popular in Canada as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Canada may have been introduced by Italian immigrants who settled in the country.


In Greece, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 1. The surname is not as common in Greece as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Greece may have been brought by Italian immigrants who settled in the region.


In Iceland, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 1. The surname is not as widespread in Iceland as it is in countries like Italy or Nigeria, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Iceland may have been introduced by Italian or European immigrants who settled in the region.


In Serbia, the Abbati surname has an incidence of 1. The surname is not as popular in Serbia as it is in other countries, but there are still Abbati families living in different parts of the country. The Abbati surname in Serbia may have been introduced by Italian or European immigrants who settled in the region.

Countries with the most Abbati

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